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Demolitions and Asbestos Renovations

Florida Department of Health in Palm Beach County

Environmental Public Health

Asbestos fiber-release exposure has been associated with the development of diseases such as asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma, a rare and usually fatal disease. The health risk associated with asbestos has resulted in Federal Regulations, some of which are contained in the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP). The Florida Department of Health Palm Beach County (Health Department) is the agency responsible for enforcing the NESHAP regulations in Palm Beach County.

The asbestos regulations specify notification and work practice requirements for demolition and renovation activities at facilities. Facilities are defined as institutional, commercial and industrial structures, installations and buildings. Ships, individual dwelling units operated as residential cooperatives and entities containing condominiums are included in the definition of a facility and are therefore subject to these rules. Residential units having 4 or less dwelling units are excluded from these rules only if they have not been and are not presently used for commercial purposes and they are not being demolished or renovated as part of a commercial or public project.

Written notification is required to be submitted for all demolition activities at facilities (as defined above). Written notice is required even if asbestos materials are not present in the facility/structure. Demolition is defined as: (a) the complete wrecking of a structure, (b) the taking out of any load bearing structure/member of a facility together with any related handling operation, or (c) the intentional burning of any facility.

Written notification is also required for renovation activities at facilities (as defined above) if the amount of regulated asbestos-containing material (RACM) being removed or disturbed is greater than or equal to 160 square feet on facility components, greater than or equal to 260 linear feet on pipes, and/or greater than or equal to 35 cubic feet. Renovation is defined as the altering of a facility or one or more facility components in any way, including the stripping or removal (intentionally or unintentionally) of RACM from a facility component.

A thorough inspection of a facility (or applicable part) for the presence of asbestos is required in order to properly complete a written notification. Individuals who conduct asbestos surveys, prepare abatement specifications, and/or conduct abatement work, must also comply with the licenser requirements contained in Section 469.003 Florida Statues, regulated by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.

Written notifications are required to be sent to the Florida Department of Health Palm Beach County for all the regulated structures or buildings, except for County owned buildings or structures. Notifications for County owned buildings in Palm Beach County shall be sent to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Southeast District asbestos program authority. Notifications are required to be postmarked or delivered at least ten (10) working days prior to any renovation activity involving regulated quantities of RACM or any regulated demolitions.

Chapter 11, Article II, Section 11-20 (a) (5)-(6) of the Palm Beach County Code (§ 4, Ordinance No. 78-5, as amended) requires that before commencing asbestos renovation projects or demolition of structures subject to the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), written approval must be obtained from the Health Department. A completed Notice of Demolition or Asbestos Renovation form, asbestos survey, and the appropriate fee pursuant to Chapter 11, Article II, Section 11-24 (4) f. of the Palm Beach County Code are required to obtain written approval from the Department.

Failure to comply with work practice standard and/or notification requirements can result in civil penalties of up to $10,000.00 per day, per violation.

If you have any air pollution questions, please contact us at (561) 837-5900.

Asbestos Notification Forms

Asbestos Notification Guide

Notification Fee Schedule

Notice of Demolition or Asbestos Renovation Form

Send Notices, Asbestos Surveys and fees to:

Asbestos Program Coordinator
Florida Department of Health Palm Beach County
Division of Environmental Public Health
800 Clematis Street, 4th Floor
West Palm Beach, FL 33402
Fax: (561) 837-5295

Alternatively, you may submit a Notification electronically at the following website:

Note: Health Department fees may also be paid by credit card by calling the Health Department office at (561) 837-5900.

Notifications and surveys may also be submitted by electronic mail to the Health Department at